Small gift

  Source One small gift that you can afford given with love is worth more than the most expensive ill-afforded gift.  I’m reminded of the poor widow in Mark 12.  Many gave gifts out of their wealth but she gave out of her poverty and put in all she had to live on. The two […]

gift box

Source Several years ago I started a practice. I have a large plastic covered bin that I keep gifts in. Christmas gifts, birthday gifts. Most of them have a person in mind. Some are random gifts that I can use for a baby shower or house warming. I use it a lot for getting ready […]

Making my sister cry

Source It seems like every Christmas the past few years I’ve made my sister cry.  Before you think wow, what a mean person, making her own sister cry, and on Christmas at that, tsk, tsk, let me explain.  My sister is very emotional, like me.  I like to give her meaningful gifts that will touch […]